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Cisco High School 1300 Pershing St, Cisco, TX 76437 Cisco,TX 76437 254-442-3051 Fax: 254-442-2516
Craig Kent
Cisco High School Principal
Letter From Mr. Kent
I would like to welcome you to the Cisco High School webpage. Cisco High School offers our, approximately 270 students, excellent instruction by certified and highly qualified teachers in all core academic subjects. Each student at Cisco High School has an Individual Graduation Plan.
All students will have a graduation plan in place to guarantee they stay on track and graduate with their class. Students who are determined to be at-risk of not graduating will be given the opportunity of recovering credit at the Cisco Learning Center. Students will be advised as to when they may need to recover credit at the Cisco Learning Center. Cisco High School students have the opportunity to take dual credit classes in Auto Engine Repair, Government, US History, Biology, English, and Algebra. The students have the opportunity to take advanced honors classes in English, Math, Accounting, and Spanish. Cisco High School is a state Recognized campus and has met Adequate Yearly Progress determined by the federal government. Cisco High School is very successful, leading our region in academics.
Cisco High School is also very proud of their Career Center. Students are given the opportunity to be in career classes and learn a specific career curriculum. This Career Center teaches the students certain marketable skills. Each student entering high school chooses a career path which helps them learn marketable skills that will help them be successful in the job place. The career clusters include Health Science Technology, Child Care, Business, Vocational Agriculture, and Computer Maintenance.
Cisco High School offers programs to assist our students such as, Special Education, Section 504, Response to Intervention, ESL, Gifted and Talented instruction, morning and afternoon tutorials, content mastery, summer school programs, accelerated math instruction, college and career planning, technology labs, work programs, drug free learning environment, Library services, and the PAL program for at-risk students.
Cisco High School offers many extracurricular activities such as sports, band, UIL academic competition, One Act Play, choir, Ag competitions, and stock shows. Cisco High School is highly successful in all extracurricular activities and takes great pride in putting our students in position to be successful in their extracurricular efforts.
Cisco High School believes that parent participation is a critical part of every student’s success. It is our goal that each parent partner in their child’s education, and we wish to keep the communication lines open. We hope every parent feels comfortable contacting the school and their child’s teachers when they have a question or concern. We are truly partners in each child’s education.
“We are Simply the Best”
Craig Kent, Principal