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Educational Web Cams

Live Webcams

Every wonder what is happening outside of Cisco right now? Connect to one of the webcams below to check out animals in their habitat, active geysers in Yellowstone, or mountains in our Nation's treasured parks, or to see the Grand Canyon. Click to travel to new places and to explore…

*More webcams are coming! If you find any of these site links broken, please contact the Library staff.

254-442-3051 or

Animal Webcams:

           *San Diego Zoo gives you access to Polar Bears, Pandas, Apes, Penguins, Elephants and more.

             *The California Academy of Sciences has great cameras to watch sharks, penguins, a coral reef, and other ocean features.

               *A chance to explore animals live from Africa can be found by using (these will show night time shots while we are at school and give you "best of" videos for the animals, too).

               *You can check out the sites of Monterrey, California and the bay creatures through the famous Monterrey Bay Aquarium links.

                *One of the best sources for dozens of live cameras is you can find wild animals and domestic ones, too. Too many options to mention! Great site!

National Park Webcams:

 *Use the Earth Cams link to see from the top of the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Washington D.C. sites and more.

 *Yellowstone National Park webcams

 *Grand Canyon National Park webcams and interactive photo maps

 *Yosemite National Park webcams

 *Glacier National Park webcams